Horoscope: sign by sign of the zodiac for this Friday, September 13, 2019

Work, Finance and Love developed in all the signs of the zodiac. The closing of the work week for many revolutionizes the energy of many

13 Septiembre de 2019 - 09:39


We will review in this note from El Ciudadano, which is what the stars hold for you. Sign by sign of the zodiac for this Friday, September 13, 2019.


Work and finance:

Dodge problems around you and don't let them forcefully include them.


There is a very good mood with your partner. A funny anecdote makes them connect in the emotional plane and everything will go smoothly.


Work and finance:

Harmony will be a virtue that they will use in their favor. The differences between the parties will congeniate in your vision and everyone will feel heard by you.


There are inconsistencies at the even level. It does not match what is said with what is done. Try to unify action and thought Taurus. https://www.ciudadanodiario.com.ar/nota/2019-9-6-13-51-49-maldonado-case-order-to-investigate-alleged-abandonment-of-person


Work and finance:

The concern for resolving pending businesses will annoy someone close to you. Try to take the matter alone.


In privacy, small gestures will comfort you.


Work and finance:

You start to get out of the stalemate in which you were and money begins to flow towards you.


Talk to your partner about the quick topics. The relationship will be strengthened. https://www.ciudadanodiario.com.ar/nota/2019-9-6-13-46-13-argentina-located-lately-in-a-world-ranking-of-happiness


Work and finance:

You have to deal with business because the paperwork and responsibilities will accumulate, which will not favor you Leo.


Try to be sweeter and sentimental. Your partner approaches you.


Work and finance:

There are issues outside his world that will be pending and will steal your energy. Get back on your way Virgo.


There is "deaf dialogue" with your partner and what can cure it are hugs. Let yourself be carried away by authentic love and turn off your Virgo mind.


Work and finance:

Dispersion. For wanting to try to close several issues at once, you will end up frustrating yourself at all.


An encounter with a person who is not your partner will mark you. You are emotionally overwhelmed and that will make some people feel good and others very bad.


Work and finance:

Impulsivity will take you away from your trusted environment and you will lose credibility. Try to be more rational Scorpio.


With some effort you will conquer that person you need near you but you must be willing to show your most tender and sentimental side.


Work and finance:

You are going like an arrow in the right direction in business, keep it that alert.


There is a turnaround in your partner's attitude towards you and now everything seems to be much easier between you.


Work and finance:

The calm will make you endure the storm Capricorn. Stay firm and calm.


Attraction by someone in your work environment will cause dispersion. Do not accelerate.


Work and finance:

We have to think of new paths that lead to the objectives we have. It is time to use logic and creativity.


There are different reproaches and interests that complicate the moments with your partner. You have to bet on the serene and frank dialogue, Aquarius.


Work and finance:

A new activity takes your energy and attention so you will emanate light that will attract good news.


A romance at the door can distract your attention and cause jealousy. Put everything in its place.